
  • World Number Ones: Men / Women
  • A table showing the fight for the World Number One spot over the years.
  • Reigning Champions: World / European / Asian / PanAmerican / Masters / Leagues
  • The current holders of the main events and details of the event and runner-up.
  • Current Event Champions: Men / Women
  • Every event is listed here along with the date it was last played and the winner and runner-up.
  • To view these records, you must log in to or sign up for a silver, gold or platinum account.
  • Titles Totals: Men / Women / Mixed
  • The most successful players of all time based on how many events they have won.
  • Tour Winners: Men / Women / Mixed
  • A year-by-year summary of all PSA events played and the winner and runner-up.
  • Youngest Tour Winners: Men / Women / Mixed
  • Youngest PSA event winners.
  • Oldest Tour Winners: Men / Women / Mixed
  • Oldest PSA event winners.
  • To view these records, you must log in to or sign up for a gold or platinum account.